SONC 2014 to 2015 – Year in Review
Marlene Hikichi
The 2015 AGM began with an excellent pot luck supper, always a great variety of dishes. This past year has had its challenges in not having the leadership of a president or vice-president, but the executive managed to carry on and often with Bob’s distant input in spite of his absence.
This years events:
- The Conservation committee has been very busy keeping track of environmental and political issues, with many letters of concern regarding these issues. Local issues also captured their attention.
- The proposed national park is an ongoing issue. Hope was revived when the BC gov’t decided to review the proposal with a public survey in a short time line.
- Once again SONC supported the Nature Conservancy of Canada and the Nature Trust of BC in their acquisition of properties with $500 to each group. Each amount was greatly enhanced with member contributions
- SONC was once again part of the Science Fair and gave $100 prize money.
- The former $500 Ruth St John Memorial Bursary is now called the South Okanagan Naturalist’s Club Bursary. The bursary was awarded to a student at Okanagan College in November 2014.
- Through the College Speaker series we sponsored a video showing “Ocean Frontiers.” Beside the films educational value, the SONC display board brought an awareness of SONC to the public attending.
- A dedicated group of SONC birders continue with the bird survey at the Penticton Golf Club. This year” Friends of the Oxbows” asked SONC to participate in a monthly survey of birds and other species in and around the oxbows. The data collected is needed to procure funding in order to proceed with oxbow enhancement. Charmaine has been diligent in organizing this project.
- SONC members continue to be involved with Meadowlark Festival, Habitat Garden and Christmas bird count.
- Our youngest member, 10 year old Jordyn, an up and coming author had a book release this past year titled “Can You Name that Bird.”
- Our web site continues to look smart and up to date, thanks to Glenda and Bob. Honker editor Bob continues to put out a great newsletter.
- Our monthly meetings continue to be of interest, with informative speakers and timely topics.
- The summer BBQ was a huge success as a fun event and fund raiser too. At this event Doreen was presented with the BC Nature Club Service Award.
- We look forward to another good year.
Marlene Hikichi (Secretary)
BC Nature Recognition Award presented by Doreen Olson to Burrowing Owl Estate Winery, Midge & Jim Wyse